Monday, January 12, 2015

Starting the new year

Who do you know that made new years resolutions?  Loose # of lbs, exercise more, grow a closer relationship to God, and the list can go on and on.  I know every year I used to make those resolutions and every year I would break them.  Life would consume me and any thoughts of those resolutions.  I was waking up to do what needed to be done in life so my children and myself could live.  Up, get kids up, get ready, go to work/school, come home cook dinner, spend some small quality time together and then its off to bed to start the day again.  And I kept telling myself I had to keep going, keep moving so we were taken care of.  Sometimes we were and it flowed easily but most often then not my life was always in chaos and we just got by.

This year things are different.  For those who don't know or who are reading this for the first time I will tell you a quick version of my story. (I'll get into a more detailed one farther down the blog road).  I have been a single mom on and off for 17 years.  I have 3 wonderful girls ages of 17, 14 and 12.  They are my life.  I have worked in the modern business world for those 17 years and done whatever I could to get to the top with no college education and didn't do too bad.  (Not saying to not go to college!  It was a long HARD road).  I had a big house and a great job and lived in the city.  Life of a single mom isn't easy.  I do not wish it on anyone.

Well in May of last year I left it all.  I had met someone who loved us unconditionally and who saw the world like I do.  Wanting a simple easy life.  A self sustaining life where I am not struggling so much to just get by.  A life full of family,friends and things we love and enjoy.  Spending our time with that concept rather than spending it on things just to get us by. I now live on a small farm with 7 horses, 4 dogs, 3 cats and 1 parrot.  Moved from a big house to a little tin can as we call it. Started to learn to garden and perserve food.  Started cooking from scratch and make things homemade rather than buy.  I now stay at home and focus on family and my family. And you know what...We love it!

This life is about living.....

So for my new years resolution this year instead of putting a whole bunch of things down that I will more than likely fail again I decided to pick a word.  Pick a word that will describe my year.  And so I picked


So, tell me what were some of your resolutions or what is your word for the year?